Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh really?

Do people from other countries who don’t say bless you, say something else to acknowledge sneezes?

I don’t understand the purpose of fruit on the bottom yogurt.  Why do people like it that way?  Do they think of the fruit as like a reward for getting through all the tart stuff?  Why don’t they like the blended?  I used to have a theory that people who were food mixers/blenders – people who will eat two bits of different dishes on the same forkfull (on purpose) were less inhibited and more sociable than non-food mixers, i.e. the people who hate for different types of food to touch.  I don’t know where I came up with that, but it seems to jive with my experiences…  I wonder if there is actually a correlation.

Man, I wish I had a glass eye so I could tap it with a pen and smile when I’m making a point.  That'd be a scream; people would freak out thinking I was touching my real eye and I'd LAUGH AND LAUGH!  This is just one of the things that I would like to do when I'm an eccentric biology teacher.  I also want a tobacco pipe which I'll fill with soapy water so I can blow bubbles while my students do worksheets.  I think I'll also wear fake mutton chops, or maybe a full beard and a stovepipe hat - the whole Abe Lincoln bit.  I'd dress up as Calvin Coolidge, because he was a WAY better president, but he's not very interesting looking.  

I keep having the most neurotic dreams lately.  Mostly about bugs crawling all over me.  I think I'm anxious about finals.  I've also been sleeping with my eyes half open - another thing that happens to me when I go to sleep anxious. was listening to some 90’s music last night and that Tom Petty song “You Don’t Know How It Feels” came on, and I just thought, “Listen Tom, you don’t know how it fucking feels to be ME!!!” 


Anonymous said...

The fruit is at the bottom so you can mix it up yourself with a spoon. It tastes better than pre-blended yogurt.

Lauren said...

Really? Ok, well I'm glad you cleared that up for me. :D

Unknown said...

I know there's no "bless you" in Japanese...I don't think there's one in Tagalog either actually...